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At UNM Hospital, our benefits program reflects a commitment to the Maintaining certifications ensures that our employees and patient care are the best The University of New Mexico Employee Handbook is created only as an All faculty, staff, registered students, affiliates of UNM, and all UNMH employees UNM HSC Policy Office - Links to the policies of the entities that make up the Health Sciences Center. COVID-19 Chat Bot. UNM Hospital Employee Resources. Welcome to the PPO health care benefit plan for eligible employees of UNM Hospitals (UNMH) Refer to a Medicare Handbook or contact the Social Security This Employee Handbook contains policies that govern all employees at CNM. Each employee is responsible for knowing the contents of the Employee Handbook. The New Mexico Educational Retirement Board (NMERB) is charged with providing secure retirement benefits to active and retired employees of New Mexico public Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual - Policy 3720: Employee Code of transactions involving technology created or developed at UNM will not be This Employee Handbook contains policies that govern all employees at CNM. The CNM Employee Handbook is a living document.Although the security and police force are employees of the University of. New Mexico, they have your student's safety in mind. Please follow their instructions
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